XXL Easter eggs in Kozienice,  i.e. creative urban activities

Although Easter time has just passed, in some places we can still admire amazing Easter decorations. It turns out that more and more local communities are becoming very creative when it comes to decorating their urban spaces. This season, the Kozienice Municipality also took on such a challenge, and we have to admit that the result is simply stunning!

XXL fiberglass eggs as a canvas for local artists

As we mentioned in the previous article, residents have many possibilities when it comes to painting XXL Easter eggs. In some towns the eggs were decorated by kindergarten children, in others by local professional artists. It was no different in Kozienice — the local community joined forces and prepared the urban space for the coming Easter.

XXL Easter eggs in the Kozienice Municipality were made by younger and older residents, including local artists.

Decorating Easter eggs was a social act and art materials were donated by the Mayor of Kozienice — Piotr Kozłowski.

We love this creative approach to decorating urban space—it serves all residents, and such actions certainly support establishing closer relations among neighbors. Beautifully painted eggs in the Kozienice Municipality delight everyone, which is why we strongly encourage you to visit the town and maybe even… join the action next year?

Thank you very much for the photos and congratulations to all the artists!

Europe is blooming… Large colorful flower pots

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Nobody needs to be convinced about the importance of natural decorations in our cities. Fortunately, the trend of ‘concreting’ city centers has been diminishing, however, this is not always a fast process. Large flower pots are perfect for places that still need colors. Effect? Immediate!

Höchenschwand, Germany | source: www.terraformdesign.eu


Colorful plant containers have already become standard items on the public space decoration list. They appear wherever, for various reasons, it is impossible to plant flowers and bushes in the ground: sometimes practical issues decide and the need to have an extensive square for various events, sometimes a complicated underground sewage network or the presence of underground parking lots. Traditional gardening is significantly more difficult.

Höchenschwand, Germany | source: www.terraformdesign.eu

In return, European cities received an alternative – XXL flower containers, not only colorful and capacious, but also … mobile. They work well where urban outdoor events take place, as they can be easily moved – all you need is an ordinary, lightweight pallet truck. It is a good and economical solution for places with a complicated underground infrastructure network – the presence of flower pots, unlike traditional plantings, does not require pavement damage and burdensome, expensive construction works.

Torgau, Germany | source: www.terraformdesign.eu

Large city planters decorate many Eorupean cities. Also, you can easily find them in Germany, for example, in Höchenschwand and Torgau cities. The authorities of Torgau took a step further and, in addition to classic plant containers, chose innovative models: a flower pot with a table function and a model with a seat. In both cases, the results of the makeover were immediate – the cities gained natural decorations, in seemingly unfavorable conditions for traditional planting.

Torgau, Germany | source: www.terraformdesign.eu

Easter inspirations: large urban Easter openwork eggs

Is your space ready for Easter? Have proper decorations been already chosen? Urban Easter Eggs, openwork decorations are the proven ideas. Check, what can you choose for your surroundings and their citizens this Easter:

Openwork decorations can be arranged in any way, and the only limit is fantasy. Eggs made of fiberglass are a colorful, three-dimensional structure that can be set anywhere at any time of the year – in shopping malls, city markets or at home. Inside of the decoration, the first spring flowers can appear, catkins, young green grass, and in the following months also other decorative specimens: geranium, surfinia, heather.

source: www.terraeaster.com

An openwork egg can be…

a closed oval form or a semi-open form. It invites you to look inside and see its content – and the possibilities are numerous, moreover, they do not have to end with plants. It’s a great idea for displaying seasonal gadgets, especially in case of shopping centers. This type of Easter decorations can be admired in many European corners – from Germany, through the Czech Republic, to Polish towns.

source: www.terraeaster.com
source: www.terraeaster.com

A winter transformation of a flower tower

For many people, Christmas doesn’t exist without a Christmas tree, also in public spaces. What to do though if the square in front of the town hall lacks trees, and bringing to it any live specimen is neither economical nor ecological solution? Contrary to what one might expect, Christmas does not have to go without decorations!

A winter transformation of a flower tower

Christmas covers for the Flower Towers are a solution, which makes it possible to deal with standing or hanging Flower Towers in winter and protect them against snow, rain or wind. They are specially developed covers, in a shape of a Christmas tree cone or a ball ( for street lamps ), and thanks to them, spring and summer decorations do not have to be removed after the season, therefore, expenses for their storage can be eliminated.


source: www.terra-flower-tower.com


The Christmas covers for the standing and hanging Flower Towers go in a few sizes, therefore, they can be adjusted to already existing decorations, which will become additional ballast for them. Weather in winter eliminates low-quality solutions from urban spaces. The solid construction of the Christmas trees from the TerraChristmas collection resists severe weather conditions as they are firmly fixed to the ground.

A winter transformation of a flower tower

source: www.terrachristmas.com


The city Christmas trees are made of plastic imitating spruce, with which a light steel frame was wrapped. Thanks to the powder coating, the inside construction is resistant to the low temperatures and humidity – such a solid and reliable materials guarantee an excellent condition for many seasons.

A winter transformation of a flower tower

source: www.terrachristmas.com

In winter and in summer – openwork decorations stay classy the whole year!

Associated with the Christmas magic, openwork decorations bring to mind some cosy atmosphere and… they are perfect as flower containers at other times of the year. It is hard to find more comprehensive solution for cities – here are openwork decorations in a version you do not know!

Koziegłowy, Poland | source: www.terrachristmas.com

In Koziegłowy (Poland), the focus was on flexibility. But this is not just any solution – no, no, nothing could be further from the truth! Currently, openwork decorations in the shape of a ball decorate the city, emphasizing the charms of the summer season. Inside the hemispheres that make up the whole, surfinia and pelargonium have been planted. The lower element of the decoration was used as an original city planter. This is how the most beautiful ornament in the area was created – an airy, slightly open ball, which is bubbling with the colors of plants.

Koziegłowy, Poland | source: www.terrachristmas.com

Nothing prevents it from staying in the same place in autumn and even in winter. The skilled hands of a city gardener are enough to turn a typical summer composition into a composition inspired by the end of the year. The already proven solution is planting the most famous autumn flowers, such as, chrysanthemums or heathers inside of the hemishpere. And in winter? In winter, twigs of evergreen plants can appear in the decoration. It is worthwhile to diversify the prepared composition with colorful chains, baubles and string lights … and then spring comes, and thus: the first plantings with pansies or daisies.

Koziegłowy, Poland | source: www.terrachristmas.com

Fiber glass, from which the ball is made, is so durable that it will resist frost, snow or rain. It is also robust to strong sunlight, so the openwork decoration can be exposed outside all year round. This is a good way to save money when using one solid base that changes with every season.

Koziegłowy, Poland | source: www.terrachristmas.com

A walk through Marian Square

It is a wonderful place. Not only does it have 2 main squares but also it is one of the most populous locality in Slovakia. Moreover, it also has the longest pedestrian zone in the whole country.  This is Žilina – a Slovakian city which has just gained its next advantage – beautiful flower towers in the heart of the city centre.

Žilina, Slovakia | Source: www.terra-flower-tower.com


Žilina is very popular among the Polish tourists – situated only 77 kilometres from Cieszyn, it has a very convenient rail connection which in addition encourages people to visit this charming place even more. It may be a fantastic idea for a weekend and believe us – there is a lot to see!

On the longest pedestrian zone in Slovakia, there are two bustling squares with picturesque tenement buildings and a fountain. You will find there also a lot of restaurants with local rarities and some idyllic space to relax. In the lovely centuries-old place, you cannot miss the floral decoration which introduces and emphasizes the charming colours of the squares.

Žilina, Slovakia | Source: www.terra-flower-tower.com


The flower towers are situated in the most representative part of the city – nearby the stairs which connect those two already mentioned squares. The main market called Mariánske námestie is also full of floral compositions in various colour shades. Those 2 meter high half models of Flower Towers can be seen also close to the town hall – the special models of the products can be easily situated along walls without any space loss.



Žilina, Slovakia | Source: www.terra-flower-tower.com


We strongly recommend visiting Žilina as it may be an interesting place for people who appreciate historic architecture, tranquillity, positive energy as well as beautiful floral decorations.


Click below in order to see the Flower Towers in the Slovakian city Žilina.


Žilina, Slovakia | Source: www.terra-flower-tower.com