Painted eggs, openwork decorations and spring flowers — a review of urban projects from April 2023


Decorating cities for spring is one of the most awaited moments by residents. It is then that the squares begin to cover themselves with colors, and the air smells of spring flowers. On the occasion of Easter, many cities decided to flower their space, which is why we decided to review the most interesting projects to inspire others to similar activities!

Wernigerode decorations

Wernigerode, Germany

The town authorities of Wernigerode opted for classic decorations in the form of openwork eggs. Their white surface wonderfully brightened the urban space on rainy April days. Spring flowers were planted in the white eggs, and thanks to the combination of different species, the town could enjoy a very natural flowering effect.

St. Veit decorations

St. Veit, Austria

Austrian town of St. Veit added a lot of charm to the main pedestrian street with Easter decorations. Colorful openwork eggs perfectly matched the colors of the buildings. Flower arrangements, in turn, provided a breath of fresh air and attracted the attention of the residents. The example of St. Veit can be a great inspiration for other small towns — it turns out that with the help of well-thought-out, but small decorations, you can also beautify urban space.

Cieszyn decorations

Cieszyn, Poland

In Cieszyn, we were amazed by the creativity of the inhabitants. They decided to approach decorating the space in an original way — in addition to flowers in the square, they covered openwork eggs with colorful ribbons, referring to the tradition of painting Easter eggs. The ribbons perfectly matched the surface of the white openwork, and at the same time added many warm colors to the urban space. Congratulations on your ingenuity! Who knows, maybe other towns will get inspired by this project in the future…

Glogow decorations

Glogow, Poland

Glogovia Shopping Mall also decided to bring an Easter element into its building. In the central place, the administrators put a small pen with a fiberglass Easter bunny, next to which openwork eggs were installed. The natural flowering of the eggs helped warm up the image of the gallery and introduce a bit of real greenery. It’s also a marvelous idea for an insta spot for customers!

Smigiel decorations

Smigiel, Poland

The town of Śmigiel has been surprising us with beautiful projects for years. This year, they focused on natural, minimalist openwork decorations combined with live flowers. Colorful pansies in the cascade brought a spring atmosphere to the urban space. We really like solutions that are simple and very effective at the same time.

Zory decorations

Żory, Poland

In April Żory swarmed with Easter eggs! XXL Easter eggs appeared in various squares — both fiberglass and openwork ones. Thanks to this, the whole city was dressed in spring colors, and the inhabitants could admire the decorations throughout the entire period around Easter. Rows of fiberglass Easter eggs along the main streets caught the eyes of not only residents, but also visitors. A great idea to build positive associations with the municipality!

Prerov decorations

Prerov, Czech Republic

The Czech town of Přerov showed how to color the center of a concreted city. The easiest solution is to put a few colorful decorations in the center! Multicolored openwork eggs were planted with natural flowers, which also added a breath of spring freshness. We are glad that towns and cities are increasingly interested in bringing greenery even into places that are not parks or clearings!

Trzebiatow decorations

Trzebiatow, Poland

The approach to decorating the town of Trzebiatów in the spring was very professional!  The authorities organized a joint action of painting XXL Easter eggs, and then arranged an outdoor exhibition of them. Rows of hand-painted eggs perfectly decorated the streets of Trzebiatów, and delighted the residents. The Flower Towers with spring plantings appeared next to the eggs, which beautifully warmed the city center. Congratulations on this beautiful, large project!

Romania decorations

Casa Timis, Romania

Hand-covered eggs from Poland from Terra Group have even reached Romania this year! The luxurious resort Casa Timis decorated its space with them in a minimalist and very tasteful way. This is how they conveyed their wishes to their partners, customers, and guests. Bringing such personalized Easter decorations into the hotel space is a great idea to establish a closer relationship with guests!

We encourage you to check out our other entries about urban projects, and if any of you, dear Readers, have a suggestion for more interesting posts, let us know in the comments below!

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Kamila Pieślak i zespół Terra Group

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