Made-to-measure hanging Flower Tower!


They differ in… architecture and a range of the city budget. However, nothing stands in the way to plant smaller and bigger towns in the same nice way, regardless of the buildings types. A flexible approach to the hanging Flower Towers design gave, every kind of an area, perfect made-to-measure solutions, regardless of its needs and possibilities.

Public spaces have a lot in common – they are meeting places, which build a sense of belonging to the community. Also, they are a place of rest, showcase of the area and a vibrant spot for citizens.

Choose a perfect model for your city:

Hanging Flower Towers W600/1 – Budget option, premium effect

Get an interesting effect of the hanging flower bowl over the heads of passers-by.

Plantings in the W600/1 hanging Flower Tower require smaller budget. One ring of the decoration will hold even 15 seedlings, which gives a unique effect but limits financial outlay.

hanging flower tower terra

Hanging Flower Towers W600/2 – Smaller expenses, bigger decorations

Build an impressive flower decoration with a smaller number of seedlings.

Less…means more! The W600/2 hanging Flower Tower is a perfect option that gives an opportunity to create a unique flower decoration, limiting expenses at the same time. The space of two rings holds even 24 seedlings assuring an excellent visual effect.

hanging flower tower terra

Hanging Flower Towers W600/3 – A prestigious effect for a prestigious space

Create a blooming bowl for street lamps.

It is the solution for the most prestigious locations, where there is a need to emphasize the rank of the most important buildings. The hanging Flower Tower W600 /3 guarantees the effect of a flower ball – thus the most spectacular floral decorations will be created on the city street lamps.

hanging flower tower terra

Lots of flowers, less investment with the W800/1 model

Even more flowers on the street lamps.

This is our latest proposal, which gives an opportunity to plant street lamps with even greater number of seedlings than usual (at a single level of the container). It is a chance, with limited financial outlay, to get a unique effect of a large flower bowl over the heads of passers-by.

hanging flower tower terra

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Kamila Pieślak i zespół Terra Group

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